GEOevent – a Appbaserad teambuildingaktivitet
GEOevent is a digital competition. Between positions that are placed over an area, you will take you around the teams to harvest as many positions as possible and thus accumulate points. You only need an ipad provided by the Public Event and you are orienting yourselves using the map in the app. The positions can involve physical challenges where you together perform a task, shoot/film and upload directly in the app, it can also be questions that are answered in text form, with pictures or video recordings. You also get with your props that can come in handy during the competition. If you wish your own questions about your company or about the theme for your conference, this is of course to arrange.
GEOevent can be developed by adding live stations. For example, you can Choose to make a beverage stop during the activity. Why not try gin with Mr GT, Sweden's biggest Gin & Tonic blogger? Or open oysters and peel shrimp on time? Do you want to combine the competition with more physical competitions or maybe a rib? Ask us and we will tell you more and put together the concept.