Team building and problem solving for you and your colleagues.

Here you solve tasks together in teams where everyone's knowledge can come in handy. Sometimes it is to be strong, sometimes fast and other times cunning. There are a number of activities to choose from. Can you make a fire without matches or lighters? How good are you at handling a hammer? We already have a bunch of exciting branches prepared, but you may of course come up with your own proposals.
Can be combined with our activity GEOevent.

Examples of some of our activities
  • Tug
  • Make fire
  • Tangram
  • Horse Shoe Throw
  • The nail in the plank
  • Guess the weight
  • Teambuilding, team competition, general education, health care
  • 10-200 people (minimum 10 people)
  • 1-3 hours (May customised)
  • Offered throughout Sweden
  • 295:-/p ex. Moms
  • Travel expenses will be added
To keep in mind:
  • Walking shoes and clothing by weather